
Tensorflow inference engine wrapper.

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"""Tensorflow inference engine wrapper."""
import logging
import os

import numpy as np
from tflite_runtime.interpreter import Interpreter, load_delegate

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_edgetpu_interpreter(model=None):  # pragma: no cover
    # Note: Looking for ideas how to test Coral EdgeTPU dependent code
    # in a cloud CI environment such as Travis CI and Github
    tf_interpreter = None
    if model:
            edgetpu_delegate = load_delegate("")
            assert edgetpu_delegate
            tf_interpreter = Interpreter(
                model_path=model, experimental_delegates=[edgetpu_delegate]
            log.debug("EdgeTPU available. Will use EdgeTPU model.")
        except Exception as e:
            log.debug("EdgeTPU init error: %r", e)
            # log.debug(stacktrace())
    return tf_interpreter

class TFInferenceEngine:
    """Thin wrapper around TFLite Interpreter.

    The official TFLite API is moving fast and still changes frequently.
    This class intends to abstract out underlying TF changes to some extend.

    It dynamically detects if EdgeTPU is available and uses it.
    Otherwise falls back to TFLite Runtime.

    def __init__(
        self, model=None, labels=None, confidence_threshold=0.8, top_k=10, **kwargs
        """Create an instance of Tensorflow inference engine.

        model: dict
                'tflite': path,
                'edgetpu': path,
            Where path is of type string and points to the
            location of frozen graph file (AI model).
        labels : string
            Location of file with model labels.
        confidence_threshold : float
            Inference confidence threshold.
        top_k : type
            Inference top-k threshold.

        assert model
        assert model["tflite"], "TFLite AI model path required."
        model_tflite = model["tflite"]
        assert os.path.isfile(
        ), f"TFLite AI model file does not exist: {model_tflite}"
        self._model_tflite_path = model_tflite
        model_edgetpu = model.get("edgetpu", None)
        if model_edgetpu:
            assert os.path.isfile(
            ), f"EdgeTPU AI model file does not exist: {model_edgetpu}"
        self._model_edgetpu_path = model_edgetpu
        assert labels, "AI model labels path required."
        assert os.path.isfile(labels), "AI model labels file does not exist: {}".format(
        self._model_labels_path = labels
        self._confidence_threshold = confidence_threshold
        self._top_k = top_k
            "Loading AI model:\n"
            "TFLite graph: %r\n"
            "EdgeTPU graph: %r\n"
            "Labels %r."
            "Condidence threshod: %.0f%%"
            "top-k: %d",
            confidence_threshold * 100,
        # EdgeTPU is not available in testing and other environments
        # load dynamically as needed
        #        edgetpu_class = 'DetectionEngine'
        #        module_object = import_module('edgetpu.detection.engine',
        #                                      packaage=edgetpu_class)
        #        target_class = getattr(module_object, edgetpu_class)
        self._tf_interpreter = _get_edgetpu_interpreter(model=model_edgetpu)
        if not self._tf_interpreter:
            log.debug("EdgeTPU not available. Will use TFLite CPU runtime.")
            self._tf_interpreter = Interpreter(model_path=model_tflite)
        assert self._tf_interpreter
        # check the type of the input tensor
        self._tf_input_details = self._tf_interpreter.get_input_details()
        self._tf_output_details = self._tf_interpreter.get_output_details()
        self._tf_is_quantized_model = self.input_details[0]["dtype"] != np.float32

    def input_details(self):
        return self._tf_input_details

    def output_details(self):
        return self._tf_output_details

    def is_quantized(self):
        return self._tf_is_quantized_model

    def labels_path(self):
        Location of labels file.

            Path to AI model labels.

        return self._model_labels_path

    def confidence_threshold(self):
        Inference confidence threshold.

            Confidence threshold for inference results.
            Only results at or above
            this threshold should be returned by each engine inference.

        return self._confidence_threshold

    def top_k(self):
        Inference top-k threshold.

            Max number of results to be returned by each inference.
            Ordered by confidence score.

        return self._top_k

    def infer(self):
        """Invoke model inference on current input tensor."""
        return self._tf_interpreter.invoke()

    def set_tensor(self, index=None, tensor_data=None):
        """Set tensor data at given reference index."""
        assert isinstance(index, int)
        self._tf_interpreter.set_tensor(index, tensor_data)

    def get_tensor(self, index=None):
        """Return tensor data at given reference index."""
        assert isinstance(index, int)
        return self._tf_interpreter.get_tensor(index)


class TFInferenceEngine (model=None, labels=None, confidence_threshold=0.8, top_k=10, **kwargs)

Thin wrapper around TFLite Interpreter.

The official TFLite API is moving fast and still changes frequently. This class intends to abstract out underlying TF changes to some extend.

It dynamically detects if EdgeTPU is available and uses it. Otherwise falls back to TFLite Runtime.

Create an instance of Tensorflow inference engine.


model: dict { 'tflite': path, 'edgetpu': path, } Where path is of type string and points to the location of frozen graph file (AI model). labels : string Location of file with model labels. confidence_threshold : float Inference confidence threshold. top_k : type Inference top-k threshold.

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class TFInferenceEngine:
    """Thin wrapper around TFLite Interpreter.

    The official TFLite API is moving fast and still changes frequently.
    This class intends to abstract out underlying TF changes to some extend.

    It dynamically detects if EdgeTPU is available and uses it.
    Otherwise falls back to TFLite Runtime.

    def __init__(
        self, model=None, labels=None, confidence_threshold=0.8, top_k=10, **kwargs
        """Create an instance of Tensorflow inference engine.

        model: dict
                'tflite': path,
                'edgetpu': path,
            Where path is of type string and points to the
            location of frozen graph file (AI model).
        labels : string
            Location of file with model labels.
        confidence_threshold : float
            Inference confidence threshold.
        top_k : type
            Inference top-k threshold.

        assert model
        assert model["tflite"], "TFLite AI model path required."
        model_tflite = model["tflite"]
        assert os.path.isfile(
        ), f"TFLite AI model file does not exist: {model_tflite}"
        self._model_tflite_path = model_tflite
        model_edgetpu = model.get("edgetpu", None)
        if model_edgetpu:
            assert os.path.isfile(
            ), f"EdgeTPU AI model file does not exist: {model_edgetpu}"
        self._model_edgetpu_path = model_edgetpu
        assert labels, "AI model labels path required."
        assert os.path.isfile(labels), "AI model labels file does not exist: {}".format(
        self._model_labels_path = labels
        self._confidence_threshold = confidence_threshold
        self._top_k = top_k
            "Loading AI model:\n"
            "TFLite graph: %r\n"
            "EdgeTPU graph: %r\n"
            "Labels %r."
            "Condidence threshod: %.0f%%"
            "top-k: %d",
            confidence_threshold * 100,
        # EdgeTPU is not available in testing and other environments
        # load dynamically as needed
        #        edgetpu_class = 'DetectionEngine'
        #        module_object = import_module('edgetpu.detection.engine',
        #                                      packaage=edgetpu_class)
        #        target_class = getattr(module_object, edgetpu_class)
        self._tf_interpreter = _get_edgetpu_interpreter(model=model_edgetpu)
        if not self._tf_interpreter:
            log.debug("EdgeTPU not available. Will use TFLite CPU runtime.")
            self._tf_interpreter = Interpreter(model_path=model_tflite)
        assert self._tf_interpreter
        # check the type of the input tensor
        self._tf_input_details = self._tf_interpreter.get_input_details()
        self._tf_output_details = self._tf_interpreter.get_output_details()
        self._tf_is_quantized_model = self.input_details[0]["dtype"] != np.float32

    def input_details(self):
        return self._tf_input_details

    def output_details(self):
        return self._tf_output_details

    def is_quantized(self):
        return self._tf_is_quantized_model

    def labels_path(self):
        Location of labels file.

            Path to AI model labels.

        return self._model_labels_path

    def confidence_threshold(self):
        Inference confidence threshold.

            Confidence threshold for inference results.
            Only results at or above
            this threshold should be returned by each engine inference.

        return self._confidence_threshold

    def top_k(self):
        Inference top-k threshold.

            Max number of results to be returned by each inference.
            Ordered by confidence score.

        return self._top_k

    def infer(self):
        """Invoke model inference on current input tensor."""
        return self._tf_interpreter.invoke()

    def set_tensor(self, index=None, tensor_data=None):
        """Set tensor data at given reference index."""
        assert isinstance(index, int)
        self._tf_interpreter.set_tensor(index, tensor_data)

    def get_tensor(self, index=None):
        """Return tensor data at given reference index."""
        assert isinstance(index, int)
        return self._tf_interpreter.get_tensor(index)

Instance variables

var confidence_threshold

Inference confidence threshold.


float Confidence threshold for inference results. Only results at or above this threshold should be returned by each engine inference.

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def confidence_threshold(self):
    Inference confidence threshold.

        Confidence threshold for inference results.
        Only results at or above
        this threshold should be returned by each engine inference.

    return self._confidence_threshold
var input_details
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def input_details(self):
    return self._tf_input_details
var is_quantized
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def is_quantized(self):
    return self._tf_is_quantized_model
var labels_path

Location of labels file.


string Path to AI model labels.

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def labels_path(self):
    Location of labels file.

        Path to AI model labels.

    return self._model_labels_path
var output_details
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def output_details(self):
    return self._tf_output_details
var top_k

Inference top-k threshold.


int Max number of results to be returned by each inference. Ordered by confidence score.

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def top_k(self):
    Inference top-k threshold.

        Max number of results to be returned by each inference.
        Ordered by confidence score.

    return self._top_k


def get_tensor(self, index=None)

Return tensor data at given reference index.

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def get_tensor(self, index=None):
    """Return tensor data at given reference index."""
    assert isinstance(index, int)
    return self._tf_interpreter.get_tensor(index)
def infer(self)

Invoke model inference on current input tensor.

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def infer(self):
    """Invoke model inference on current input tensor."""
    return self._tf_interpreter.invoke()
def set_tensor(self, index=None, tensor_data=None)

Set tensor data at given reference index.

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def set_tensor(self, index=None, tensor_data=None):
    """Set tensor data at given reference index."""
    assert isinstance(index, int)
    self._tf_interpreter.set_tensor(index, tensor_data)