
Tensorflow image detection wrapper.

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"""Tensorflow image detection wrapper."""
import logging
import time

import numpy as np

# from importlib import import_module
from import TFDetectionModel

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class TFBoundingBoxDetection(TFDetectionModel):
    """Applies Tensorflow image detection."""

    def __init__(self, model=None, **kwargs):
        """Initialize detector with config parameters.
        model: ai_models/mobilenet_ssd_v2_face.tflite

        super().__init__(model, **kwargs)

    def detect(self, image=None):
        """Detect objects in image.
        image : PIL.Image
            Input image in raw RGB format
            with the exact size of the input tensor.
        list of tuples
            List of top_k detections above confidence_threshold.
            Each detection is a tuple of:
            (label, confidence, (x0, y0, x1, y1))
        assert image
        start_time = time.monotonic()
        log.debug("Calling TF engine for inference")

        tfe = self._tfengine

        # NxHxWxC, H:1, W:2
        height = tfe.input_details[0]["shape"][1]
        width = tfe.input_details[0]["shape"][2]

        desired_size = (width, height)

        new_im, thumbnail = self.resize_to_input_tensor(
            image=image, desired_size=desired_size

        # calculate what fraction of the new image is the thumbnail size
        # we will use these factors to adjust detection box coordinates
        w_factor = thumbnail.size[0] / new_im.size[0]
        h_factor = thumbnail.size[1] / new_im.size[1]

        # add N dim
        input_data = np.expand_dims(new_im, axis=0)
        # log.warning('input_data.shape: %r', input_data.shape)
        # log.warning('input_data.dtype: %r', input_data.dtype)
        # input_data = input_data.astype(np.uint8)
        # log.warning('input_data.dtype: %r', input_data.dtype)
        # input_data = np.asarray(input_data).flatten()

        # Note: Floating models are not tested thoroughly yet.
        # Its not clear yet whether floating models will be a good fit
        # for Ambianic use cases. Optimized quantized models seem to do
        # a good job in terms of accuracy and speed.
        if not tfe.is_quantized:  # pragma: no cover
            # normalize floating point values
            input_mean = 127.5
            input_std = 127.5
            input_data = (np.float32(input_data) - input_mean) / input_std

        tfe.set_tensor(tfe.input_details[0]["index"], input_data)

        # invoke inference on the new input data
        # with the configured model


        # log.debug('output_details: %r', tfe.output_details)
        # od = tfe.output_details[0]['index']
        # log.debug('output_data[0]: %r',
        #             tfe.get_tensor(od))
        # log.debug('output_data[0]: %r',
        #             tfe._tf_interpreter.get_tensor(od))

        # get output tensor
        boxes = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[0]["index"])
        label_codes = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[1]["index"])
        scores = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[2]["index"])
        num = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[3]["index"])
        # log.warning('Detections:\n num: %r\n label_codes: %r\n scores: %r\n',
        #             num, label_codes, scores)
        # log.warning('Required confidence: %r',
        #             tfe.confidence_threshold)
        detections_count = int(num[0])

        inference_result = []
        # get a list of indices for the top_k results
        # ordered from highest to lowest confidence.
        # We are only interested in scores within detections_count range
        indices_of_sorted_scores = np.argsort(scores[0, :detections_count])
        # log.warning('Indices of sorted scores: %r:',
        #             indices_of_sorted_scores)
        top_k_indices = indices_of_sorted_scores[-1 * tfe.top_k :][::-1]
        # log.warning('Indices of top_k scores: %r:', top_k_indices)
        # from the top_k results, only take the ones that score
        # above the confidence threshold criteria.
        for i in top_k_indices:
            confidence = scores[0, i]
            if confidence >= tfe.confidence_threshold:
                # log.warning('Sample confidence: %r, required confidence %r',
                #             confidence, tfe.confidence_threshold)
                li = int(label_codes[0, i])
                # protect against models that return arbitrary labels
                # when the confidence is low
                if li < len(self._labels):
                    label = self._labels[li]
                    # If a label filter is specified, apply it.
                    if not self._label_filter or label in self._label_filter:
                        box = boxes[0, i, :]
                        # refit detections into original image size
                        # without overflowing outside image borders
                        x0 = box[1] / w_factor
                        y0 = box[0] / h_factor
                        x1 = min(box[3] / w_factor, 1)
                        y1 = min(box[2] / h_factor, 1)
                            "thumbnail image size: %r , " "tensor image size: %r",
                            "resizing detection box (x0, y0, x1, y1) " "from: %r to %r",
                            (box[1], box[0], box[3], box[2]),
                            (x0, y0, x1, y1),
                        inference_result.append((label, confidence, (x0, y0, x1, y1)))
        return thumbnail, new_im, inference_result


class TFBoundingBoxDetection (model=None, **kwargs)

Applies Tensorflow image detection.

Initialize detector with config parameters. :Parameters:

model: ai_models/mobilenet_ssd_v2_face.tflite

Expand source code
class TFBoundingBoxDetection(TFDetectionModel):
    """Applies Tensorflow image detection."""

    def __init__(self, model=None, **kwargs):
        """Initialize detector with config parameters.
        model: ai_models/mobilenet_ssd_v2_face.tflite

        super().__init__(model, **kwargs)

    def detect(self, image=None):
        """Detect objects in image.
        image : PIL.Image
            Input image in raw RGB format
            with the exact size of the input tensor.
        list of tuples
            List of top_k detections above confidence_threshold.
            Each detection is a tuple of:
            (label, confidence, (x0, y0, x1, y1))
        assert image
        start_time = time.monotonic()
        log.debug("Calling TF engine for inference")

        tfe = self._tfengine

        # NxHxWxC, H:1, W:2
        height = tfe.input_details[0]["shape"][1]
        width = tfe.input_details[0]["shape"][2]

        desired_size = (width, height)

        new_im, thumbnail = self.resize_to_input_tensor(
            image=image, desired_size=desired_size

        # calculate what fraction of the new image is the thumbnail size
        # we will use these factors to adjust detection box coordinates
        w_factor = thumbnail.size[0] / new_im.size[0]
        h_factor = thumbnail.size[1] / new_im.size[1]

        # add N dim
        input_data = np.expand_dims(new_im, axis=0)
        # log.warning('input_data.shape: %r', input_data.shape)
        # log.warning('input_data.dtype: %r', input_data.dtype)
        # input_data = input_data.astype(np.uint8)
        # log.warning('input_data.dtype: %r', input_data.dtype)
        # input_data = np.asarray(input_data).flatten()

        # Note: Floating models are not tested thoroughly yet.
        # Its not clear yet whether floating models will be a good fit
        # for Ambianic use cases. Optimized quantized models seem to do
        # a good job in terms of accuracy and speed.
        if not tfe.is_quantized:  # pragma: no cover
            # normalize floating point values
            input_mean = 127.5
            input_std = 127.5
            input_data = (np.float32(input_data) - input_mean) / input_std

        tfe.set_tensor(tfe.input_details[0]["index"], input_data)

        # invoke inference on the new input data
        # with the configured model


        # log.debug('output_details: %r', tfe.output_details)
        # od = tfe.output_details[0]['index']
        # log.debug('output_data[0]: %r',
        #             tfe.get_tensor(od))
        # log.debug('output_data[0]: %r',
        #             tfe._tf_interpreter.get_tensor(od))

        # get output tensor
        boxes = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[0]["index"])
        label_codes = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[1]["index"])
        scores = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[2]["index"])
        num = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[3]["index"])
        # log.warning('Detections:\n num: %r\n label_codes: %r\n scores: %r\n',
        #             num, label_codes, scores)
        # log.warning('Required confidence: %r',
        #             tfe.confidence_threshold)
        detections_count = int(num[0])

        inference_result = []
        # get a list of indices for the top_k results
        # ordered from highest to lowest confidence.
        # We are only interested in scores within detections_count range
        indices_of_sorted_scores = np.argsort(scores[0, :detections_count])
        # log.warning('Indices of sorted scores: %r:',
        #             indices_of_sorted_scores)
        top_k_indices = indices_of_sorted_scores[-1 * tfe.top_k :][::-1]
        # log.warning('Indices of top_k scores: %r:', top_k_indices)
        # from the top_k results, only take the ones that score
        # above the confidence threshold criteria.
        for i in top_k_indices:
            confidence = scores[0, i]
            if confidence >= tfe.confidence_threshold:
                # log.warning('Sample confidence: %r, required confidence %r',
                #             confidence, tfe.confidence_threshold)
                li = int(label_codes[0, i])
                # protect against models that return arbitrary labels
                # when the confidence is low
                if li < len(self._labels):
                    label = self._labels[li]
                    # If a label filter is specified, apply it.
                    if not self._label_filter or label in self._label_filter:
                        box = boxes[0, i, :]
                        # refit detections into original image size
                        # without overflowing outside image borders
                        x0 = box[1] / w_factor
                        y0 = box[0] / h_factor
                        x1 = min(box[3] / w_factor, 1)
                        y1 = min(box[2] / h_factor, 1)
                            "thumbnail image size: %r , " "tensor image size: %r",
                            "resizing detection box (x0, y0, x1, y1) " "from: %r to %r",
                            (box[1], box[0], box[3], box[2]),
                            (x0, y0, x1, y1),
                        inference_result.append((label, confidence, (x0, y0, x1, y1)))
        return thumbnail, new_im, inference_result




def detect(self, image=None)

Detect objects in image. :Parameters:

image : PIL.Image Input image in raw RGB format with the exact size of the input tensor. :Returns:

list of tuples List of top_k detections above confidence_threshold. Each detection is a tuple of: (label, confidence, (x0, y0, x1, y1))

Expand source code
def detect(self, image=None):
    """Detect objects in image.
    image : PIL.Image
        Input image in raw RGB format
        with the exact size of the input tensor.
    list of tuples
        List of top_k detections above confidence_threshold.
        Each detection is a tuple of:
        (label, confidence, (x0, y0, x1, y1))
    assert image
    start_time = time.monotonic()
    log.debug("Calling TF engine for inference")

    tfe = self._tfengine

    # NxHxWxC, H:1, W:2
    height = tfe.input_details[0]["shape"][1]
    width = tfe.input_details[0]["shape"][2]

    desired_size = (width, height)

    new_im, thumbnail = self.resize_to_input_tensor(
        image=image, desired_size=desired_size

    # calculate what fraction of the new image is the thumbnail size
    # we will use these factors to adjust detection box coordinates
    w_factor = thumbnail.size[0] / new_im.size[0]
    h_factor = thumbnail.size[1] / new_im.size[1]

    # add N dim
    input_data = np.expand_dims(new_im, axis=0)
    # log.warning('input_data.shape: %r', input_data.shape)
    # log.warning('input_data.dtype: %r', input_data.dtype)
    # input_data = input_data.astype(np.uint8)
    # log.warning('input_data.dtype: %r', input_data.dtype)
    # input_data = np.asarray(input_data).flatten()

    # Note: Floating models are not tested thoroughly yet.
    # Its not clear yet whether floating models will be a good fit
    # for Ambianic use cases. Optimized quantized models seem to do
    # a good job in terms of accuracy and speed.
    if not tfe.is_quantized:  # pragma: no cover
        # normalize floating point values
        input_mean = 127.5
        input_std = 127.5
        input_data = (np.float32(input_data) - input_mean) / input_std

    tfe.set_tensor(tfe.input_details[0]["index"], input_data)

    # invoke inference on the new input data
    # with the configured model


    # log.debug('output_details: %r', tfe.output_details)
    # od = tfe.output_details[0]['index']
    # log.debug('output_data[0]: %r',
    #             tfe.get_tensor(od))
    # log.debug('output_data[0]: %r',
    #             tfe._tf_interpreter.get_tensor(od))

    # get output tensor
    boxes = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[0]["index"])
    label_codes = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[1]["index"])
    scores = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[2]["index"])
    num = tfe.get_tensor(tfe.output_details[3]["index"])
    # log.warning('Detections:\n num: %r\n label_codes: %r\n scores: %r\n',
    #             num, label_codes, scores)
    # log.warning('Required confidence: %r',
    #             tfe.confidence_threshold)
    detections_count = int(num[0])

    inference_result = []
    # get a list of indices for the top_k results
    # ordered from highest to lowest confidence.
    # We are only interested in scores within detections_count range
    indices_of_sorted_scores = np.argsort(scores[0, :detections_count])
    # log.warning('Indices of sorted scores: %r:',
    #             indices_of_sorted_scores)
    top_k_indices = indices_of_sorted_scores[-1 * tfe.top_k :][::-1]
    # log.warning('Indices of top_k scores: %r:', top_k_indices)
    # from the top_k results, only take the ones that score
    # above the confidence threshold criteria.
    for i in top_k_indices:
        confidence = scores[0, i]
        if confidence >= tfe.confidence_threshold:
            # log.warning('Sample confidence: %r, required confidence %r',
            #             confidence, tfe.confidence_threshold)
            li = int(label_codes[0, i])
            # protect against models that return arbitrary labels
            # when the confidence is low
            if li < len(self._labels):
                label = self._labels[li]
                # If a label filter is specified, apply it.
                if not self._label_filter or label in self._label_filter:
                    box = boxes[0, i, :]
                    # refit detections into original image size
                    # without overflowing outside image borders
                    x0 = box[1] / w_factor
                    y0 = box[0] / h_factor
                    x1 = min(box[3] / w_factor, 1)
                    y1 = min(box[2] / h_factor, 1)
                        "thumbnail image size: %r , " "tensor image size: %r",
                        "resizing detection box (x0, y0, x1, y1) " "from: %r to %r",
                        (box[1], box[0], box[3], box[2]),
                        (x0, y0, x1, y1),
                    inference_result.append((label, confidence, (x0, y0, x1, y1)))
    return thumbnail, new_im, inference_result

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